Photos of whatever, unhandled nearly never :)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Happy Birthday dear Picture of the Day!

Rosa BONICA 'MEldomonac'

My dear blog is 1 year old today and during this first year I've veen able to publish a picture on every day except just one.
In the coming year I'll take a challenge to publish a picture on three days of each week. :)


  1. Thank you Sirpa so much for the lovely pictures.
    Long live the lovely blog!

  2. Lämpimät onnittelut blogillesi! <3
    Kuvasi ovat kyllä kertakaikkisen upeita ja jaksavat ilahduttaa kerta toisensa jälkeen. Joihinkin kuviin on pakko palata aina uudestaan ja uudestaan. :)

  3. Yes...thank you so much for bringing such beauty into my day! It is a glorious peek into your world and I appreciate it so very much.

  4. Happy Birthday blog : ) looking forward to many more years to come!

  5. many congratulations. My picture a day blog died esrlier this year so I appreciate how much effort it takes to have doen it and only missed one day. I hope the slightly more relaxed pace of taking three a week makes it as much fun for you as it is for us seeing them.

  6. Happy Birthday to your interesting and entertaining blog! Very nice birthday rose.


  7. Oh! Happy birthday! This blog has been the perfect place where to find a lovely photograph every day! Congratulations, dear Sirpa!

  8. Onnittelut vuosipäivänä!
    Vaatii vaivannäköä löytää niin kaunista kuvattavaa, kuin olet löytänyt, ja vielä taiten kuvata se vuoden jok'ikisenä päivänä (but one, sitä ei lasketa) - hieno saavutus! Alkavana blogivuotena ehdit hieman hengähtää myös :)
    Mukavaa ja kuvauksellista kesänjatkoa!
