Photos of whatever, unhandled nearly never :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ornamental Shrub


  1. Amazing! It looks like you could eat it :)

  2. They are not eatable but they look really nice!

  3. I had never seen anything like this before! beautiful! is this a Finnish native plant?

    1. I suppose these are imported bushes. I have only seen the ones I have photographed. They are at the side of the yard of a row house area here in Parainen. I met a man there when I took the photo and asked him whether he knows what these are. He said he has lived there only less than two years and doesn't know yet. I promised to come back after a couple of years and ask again. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Kiitos Risto!
      Pensas on minusta aivan ihana näine sinisine marjoineen, mutta kuvista meinasi väkisin tulla vaan tylsiä. Lopulta olin tyytyväinen tähän rajaukseen, joten tosi kiva kuulla, että niin sinäkin!
